Friday, August 26, 2011

Weird Stuff in My House-the short list

1. Rubber chicken
2. Gigantic black plastic trunk
3. Colorful plates & sticks
4. Block to walk around (see, I exercise!)
5. Random pieces of colorful latex (they're balloons! Get your head out of the gutter!)
6. 2nd rubber chicken
7. Aluminum-free baking powder
8. Gigantic tie
9. Robotic chicken that dances to "The Chicken Dance" and screams in a chicken-like way if you grab it by the head
10. Happie Amp (I did not make the name up! It's really called that!)
11. Circus coloring book
12. Plastic cups
13. Magician table
14. Slinky snake in dire need of recapitation (I would like to go down in history as the one who coined that term. What can I say? I covet glory.)
15. Eyeball that glows when you hit/bounce it


  1. Just in case I'm guessing wrong, what (or should I say who) happened to the slinky snake?

  2. I think you could make a much longer list.

  3. That's he crazy part! I could!!!!!
    Maybe I'll do a part 2 someday...
    Living with a clown gives you a really strange household inventory.

  4. Have you gone commercial? If so, how soon will this make you wealthy?

  5. It won't make me wealthy but every little bit that helps me pay for daycare is a good thing.
