Friday, September 23, 2011

How it went from hobby to job-Part 2

So Anissa is refusing to give up and the Husband is refusing to give in. I think it's a great idea-the Husband's really good at it, it'd increase his feelings of self-worth. Nothing wrong with that, right? (If only I knew then what I know now...)
In the interest of preventing a scene in the middle of US Toy's Magic Shop, the Husband suggests a compromise. Why don't they come over to our house tomorrow? Then he can loan them his clown outfit and teach them some more about ballooning.
Anissa and her niece agree. They exchange phone numbers with the Husband, he gives them directions to our house, and they leave. Meanwhile, I have been rendered completely speechless (Don't worry readers! This is me! The speechlessness is of short duration.).
The Husband turns to smile at me. His smile disappears when he accurately determines my gaping expression not to be one of awe, but of horror.
"You invited them to our house!!!!" I say a little too loudly. The Husband does a double-take. "It's ok. We still have time to clean," he responds. Wrong answer.
"But you invited them to our house!!!"
"Yeah, so?"
"We don't know them!"
"Yeah, so?"
"We have a baby! It's not just you and me you're putting at risk!!"
"What?" the Husband asks.
"We don't know them!" I explode.
"So?" says the Husband.
"They could be homicidal maniacs that you just invited to our house!!"
"They looked nice," the Husband shrugs.
Unable to believe it, I finally quote Wednesday Addams in a real-life conversation in which I had not purposefully slanted the conversation so I could do so, "They look just like everyone else!"
And no, in case you're wondering, he did not recognize the quote. My big moment, wasted. Such is the life of a clown's wife...

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